The story within Walt
Disney's Carousel of Progress is one
of the American family, and how it changes with the
advancements of new technology. There are five
different stages to the performance - in both the
G.E. sponsored presentation and the newer, unsponsored
show. The theme, however, remains the same in both.Here is a description from the Official Guidebook of the 1964-65
World's Fair:
In the first part of the
program, separate auditoriums, each holding 250 people,
circle into position and are carried past stages on which
life-sized, three-dimensional, animated human figures
move, talk, laugh and act out the story of electricity in
the home from the gay 1890s to the present:
A late
19th Century home is shown. Its inhabitants
struggle with all the latest luxuries: telephone,
gas lamps, gramophone, kitchen pump, a
hand-cranked clothes washer and a hand-pumped,
air-suction vacuum cleaner.
A home
of the '20s comes next, with coffeemakers and
sewing machines, "monitor"-topped
refrigerators and a homemade cooling device for
hot weather: an electric fan that circulates air
over a cake of ice.
'40s are recalled with the little, round
television screen, plus some odd applications of
electricity: e.g., house-wives mixing wallpaper
paste with cake mixers.
glories of today glitter in a living room at
Christmastime, a glass- enclosed, electrically
heated patio, a kitchen that all but runs itself.
Although this description is
from the G.E. version of the 60's, it fits almost exactly
with today's performance (minus the patio from the last
The music is a vital part of the
Carousel of Progress, since it's been said that nobody
leaves an attraction "whistling the
architecture." The original song "Great
Big, Beautiful Tomorrow," returned to the show
during the refurbishment of 92-93. It replaced it's
interim counterpart, "Now is the Time,"
which was said to have fit G.E.'s marketing scheme of the
70's and 80's more appropriately.
Our audio-animatronic family
consists of eight characters:
- John: The father, husband,
and narrator of the largest part of our show.
- Sara: The mother, wife and
laborer throughout the production.
- Judy: Known as
"Jane" in the original version, the
teenage daughter.
- Jimmy: Not given any name
in the original, the son and annoying little
- Rover: The family
dog. Also called "Sport"
and"Queenie" in different versions.
- Uncle Orville: Visiting
relative we hear from only twice. Invents
"air-cooling" with a block of ice and a
- Grandma and Grandpa: Both
remain mostly silent through the production until
"modern times" scene, where they speak
freely in the updated version. In the
original version, both lived in a retirement
community, and were being picked up at the new
These "individuals"
take us on an historical journey through the century,
while entertaining and delighting us.
3,600 per hour, 226 per theater
Time: 20:45 minutes
Speed: 2 fps
revolving theater |